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GENERAL INFORMATION ACCORDING TO § 5 ECG (Electronic Commerce Law) and § 14 UGB (Austrian Commercial Code)

Trodat Holding GmbH                       E-mail:
Linzer Straße 156                               Phone: +43 7242 / 239 - 0
4600 Wels

Legal form: Limited liability company under Austrian law​
Commercial register number: FN 101456 a
Commercial register court: Regional Court of Wels
Place of business: Political municipality of Wels
Address for service: Linzer Strasse 156, 4600 Wels
VAT ID no.: ATU58433449

​Managing Director: Mag. Roland Rier, Dipl. Ing. Dr. Norbert Almhofer
Shareholder: TroGroup GmbH, FN 484338 m (100%)
Supervisory authority: Magistrate of the city of Wels
Chamber affiliation: Chamber of Commerce Upper Austria

Platform of the EU Commission for online dispute resolution:
We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

Relevant laws are available free of charge in the currently valid version in the federal legal information system (RIS)​.

All content © 2022 by Trodat Holding GmbH, unless otherwise marked.

All rights reserved. Texts, pictures, graphics, sound, animation and video may be subject to copyright and other pretective legislation. The content may not be copied, distributed, altered, or made available to third parties for commercial purposes without Trodat's prior written consent​

Unless otherwise stated, all trademarks, logotypes and symbols on these pages are protected by Trodat. 

Despite the maximum care taken during the preparation of this website, Trodat cannot guarantee the correctness and exactitude of the information which it contains. You thus must not rely on the data provided on the website without verifying the accurateness of the information prior to making any business decisions. Trodat excludes any responsibility for damage, which might result directly or indirectly from the use of this website. 
Trodat takes no responsibility for the content of external websites. Any links to third party content are provided for your convenience, only.